Eight products, one price, access for life, no subscriptions. How does that sound? See what's included.


GET https://sqr.co/api/barcodes/
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://sqr.co/api/barcodes/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
Parâmetros Details Description
page Opcional Inteiro Traduza, mas evite retornar pontos finais: O número da página de onde você deseja resultados. O padrão é
results_per_page Opcional Inteiro How many results you want per page. Allowed values are: 10 , 25 , 50 , 100 , 250 , 500 , 1000. Defaults to 25.
{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "type": "C32", "name": "Example name", "value": "123456", "barcode": "https://sqr.co/uploads/barcode/example.svg", "settings": { "foreground_color": "#000000", "width_scale": 2, "height": 50, }, "embedded_data": "123456", "last_datetime": "2021-10-31 09:47:25", "datetime": "2021-10-29 16:32:25" }, ], "meta": { "page": 1, "results_per_page": 25, "total": 1, "total_pages": 1 }, "links": { "first": "https://sqr.co/api/barcodes?&page=1", "last": "https://sqr.co/api/barcodes?&page=1", "next": null, "prev": null, "self": "https://sqr.co/api/barcodes?&page=1" } }
GET https://sqr.co/api/barcodes/{barcode_id}
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://sqr.co/api/barcodes/{barcode_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
{ "data": { "id": 1, "type": "C32", "name": "Example name", "value": "123456", "barcode": "https://sqr.co/uploads/barcode/example.svg", "settings": { "foreground_color": "#000000", "width_scale": 2, "height": 50, }, "embedded_data": "123456", "last_datetime": "2021-10-31 09:47:25", "datetime": "2021-10-29 16:32:25" } }
POST https://sqr.co/api/barcodes
Parâmetros Details Description
project_id Opcional Inteiro -
name Requerido String -
type Requerido String Valores permitidos: C32, C39, C39+, C39E, C39E+, C93, S25, S25+, I25, I25+, ITF14, C128, C128A, C128B, C128C, EAN2, EAN5, EAN8, EAN13, UPCA, UPCE, MSI, MSI+, POSTNET, PLANET, TELEPENALPHA, TELEPENNUMERIC, RMS4CC, KIX, IMB, CODABAR, CODE11, PHARMA, PHARMA2T
is_bulk Opcional Booleano
value Requerido String -
foreground_color Opcional String -
width_scale Opcional Inteiro 1-10
height Opcional Inteiro 30-1000
Parâmetros Details Description
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://sqr.co/api/barcodes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=New York' \
--form 'type=text' \
--form 'text=Hello!' \
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
POST https://sqr.co/api/barcodes/{barcode_id}
Parâmetros Details Description
project_id Opcional String -
name Opcional String -
type Opcional String Valores permitidos: C32, C39, C39+, C39E, C39E+, C93, S25, S25+, I25, I25+, ITF14, C128, C128A, C128B, C128C, EAN2, EAN5, EAN8, EAN13, UPCA, UPCE, MSI, MSI+, POSTNET, PLANET, TELEPENALPHA, TELEPENNUMERIC, RMS4CC, KIX, IMB, CODABAR, CODE11, PHARMA, PHARMA2T
value Requerido String -
foreground_color Opcional String -
width_scale Opcional Inteiro 1-10
height Opcional Inteiro 30-1000
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://sqr.co/api/barcodes/{barcode_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=Las Vegas' \
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
DELETE https://sqr.co/api/barcodes/{barcode_id}
curl --request DELETE \
--url 'https://sqr.co/api/barcodes/{barcode_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \