Creative job interview method: QR code tattoo
Created on 6 September, 2022 • Marketing • 1 minutes read
A unique ad campaign to not only boost branding, but test potential tattoo artists
An upscale Turkish tattoo shop, Berrge Tattoo brought on BURO, a local ad agency to create a unique ad campaign to not only boost branding but test potential tattoo artists. As part of a new hire’s application, they are required to fill out a blank QR code on a print ad, and their skills are tested quickly and easily by scanning the code with a smartphone – if precise enough, the code takes the applicant to the actual application. It’s the only way to even pick up an application.
While this may not work for all companies, of course, it is a creative campaign – creative enough to be featured in publications thousands of miles away. But what is most fascinating about the campaign is that it achieves three things:
- This deeply implants the idea for all in the area that they can trust the precision of their artists – new hires can’t even see the application unless they’re perfect and have proven preciseness.
- The campaign gives clients, potential clients, and staff a sense of exclusivity, much like a nightclub that only lets in the most attractive people or a social club that only lets in the most wealthy in the community.
- Additionally, the campaign gives people a reason to talk about the tattoo shop for reasons other than just “they do tattoos.” It’s creative and engaging, and would likely have people not even interested in applying to try their hand at the QR code.
What is your company’s QR code tattoo?
Other companies offer creative hiring methods like requiring a creative action prior to applying in an effort to weed out people who wouldn’t fit within a company’s culture, but it’s not just hiring that gives people the feeling of trust, exclusivity, or a reason to talk about a brand. Any ad campaign can inspire these feelings and actions in consumers, be it traditional print campaigns, a Facebook campaign, a blog post, or otherwise.