Simple Ways to Keep Your Shared Workspace Organized and Optimize
Создано 4 Август, 2022 • Co Working • 6 минуты прочитал
Keeping your shared workspace organized can seem like a daunting task. But can be made easier with the tricks and strategies.
There are many articles on the internet with tips on keeping workspaces organized. But most of them are tailored for the home and office workspaces and, as such, are not practicable in shared workspaces.
Shared workspaces do not offer the same luxury of space as you have in your home and office. All you get at the most is a desk, a locker, and a free coffee brewer. Such limitations make it difficult to organize and tidy up your workspace.
Besides, failure to tidy up can limit your productivity and that of other shared space members. It can also smear your image and earn you the tag of the “dirty neighbor” from your colleagues - a situation you wouldn't want to find yourself in.
So, what are the ways to stay organized and productive in a shared workspace while maintaining a healthy relationship with your coworkers?
Here are 10 tricks we came up with that will help you achieve that:
Create a To-do List Before Leaving Your House
Planning your tasks a day or two ahead is the best way to stay organized. It helps you visualize each task sequentially and it's easy to allocate useful hours to each of them. This way, you know what each minute will be spent on, when to go on break and when to return home.
Besides, if your job requires the use of many tech stacks, like in the case of a startup founder, having a to-do list will help you identify the relevant tools required to do your job for the day. This will minimize clutter and you can create more desk space.
Thanks to technology, several to-do list software track working hours and can provide reports on the number of hours spent on each task. This ensures you make good use of every minute spent in a shared workspace.
Arrange Your Space First Thing Before You Start Working
No one jumps right into work the minute they arrive at their desk. Treat your workspace like your living space - what chores do you carry out the minute you rise from bed?.
If you're like most people, you first ensure the environment is clean and that starts with mopping the floor. The same strategy has to be applied to your work desk. Upon arrival, take some time to set up your desk: clean up the mess from the previous day, and never forget to dust your desk and computer.
After that, look up your to-do list to discover the tasks first on your list and the tools needed to get them done.
Minimize Paperwork
Having lots of papers on your desk doesn't only take a massive chunk of your desk space; it makes your desk untidy.
If your work requires a lot of documentation, leverage cloud-synced tools such as Google Docs and Evernote to organize and store documents. They are safer and easier to access and share, especially when combined with QR code software such as SQR.
Rather than having numerous file folders on your desk, assemble them into a virtual folder and embed the link into a QR code that when scanned gives the user instant access. In SQR, you have a free tool that can help you do that and you can share the QR code with coworkers you often share resources with.
Use Your Locker
Your locker is your work desk extension. It is where you keep essential items and private documents that are too risky to have to lie around.
It is also where you can store your everyday working tools and personal essentials like sanitary wipes, toothbrushes, balm, snacks, glasses, and a first aid kit. That way, you don't have to move heavy items around, and neither will they be forgetfully left at home when they're most needed.
Meanwhile, because a locker can accommodate several items doesn't mean they should be transformed into a garbage can. Organize your items and consider using a fitting locker shelf to keep things tidy, especially if you have a small desk.
Have Work Desk Jars by Your Side.
Pens rolling off your table is a common scenario in an office environment but what's more annoying is when they stray off into tight corners your hands can't reach. Spending valuable minutes looking for a pen doesn't paint a picture of productive work which is why a desk jar should be high on your list.
Having one on your desk enables storage of stationery items such as pens, and erasers. This little change can go a long way to eliminating clutter.
Request for Desk Divider
Demarcating your space helps you work within your assigned work zone and not creep into your neighbor's space. This will also prevent your things and theirs from mixing up, especially when your neighbor isn't making as much effort to be organized as you are.
If your coworking space does not use demarcated desks, they're likely to have easy-to-fix desk dividers for dedicated work desks and general hot desks. Ask the receptionist or workspace manager if one can be made available to you.
Don't Eat at Your Desk.
Liquid, especially coffee, should be kept away from the work desk as much as possible. Because when it spills, it can ruin several valuable items and those of your neighbors. Most coworking spaces have kitchens and break rooms to serve this purpose.
If you need to snack as you work, do it cautiously to avoid distracting others. Put Candies and cookies in a jar. And when you have spills, wipe up and disinfect.
Trash Things You no Longer Need
If there are items you no longer find useful, like a bad pen, don't leave them on your table, rather, trash them to buy back extra desk space. A good practice is to make a list of items that need to be replaced at the end of every month, This way, you never have to rely on your neighbor for every little thing.
Give Your Desk a Personal Touch
This works if you have a dedicated workspaces membership plan. Adding some personal touch would make your space physically appealing and suffice as a good source of motivation.
To personalize your desk, place a picture frame of someone or something that inspires you. A little flower pot with your favorite flower collections can also serve as a stress relief tonic.
Assemble the Right Tools
An easy way to stay organized is by having a checklist of the essential items you need. Here is a list of items and software worth having in your shared workspace.
- QR code generator for seamless file transfer and distribution
- Google doc or Evernote for organizing documents
- Padlocks for your lockers
- Noise cancellation Headphones for avoiding distraction
- Cell phone and desktop chargers to power your device
- Water bottle to keep you hydrated
- File folders for organizing documents
- Coffee mugs to quickly whip in a cup of coffee when you need an energy boost.
- First aid box
The saying that “the little things in life matter” also applies to a shared workspace. The tricks above are that little effort that'll help you create an organized shared workspace experience and a catalyst in improving productivity. Even better, you get noticed by people who are likely to bring life-changing business opportunities your way.